Pictures needed for the ECPN poster at the AIC annual meeting!

The ECPN is presenting a poster at the AIC Annual Meeting being held in L.A. from May 19th to the 22nd. The poster will be included in the regular poster session, and will serve to introduce ECPN to the larger AIC audience. Each of the primary initiatives of the group will be highlighted, and emphasis will be placed on how we will use technology to serve emerging conservation professionals, as well as the global conservation community. (see abstract below)

Sadly, our topics don’t really lend themselves to exciting visuals (ooh look, the page capture of the blog!), so we thought of gathering images to tell another story. We are looking for pictures from emerging conservators that illustrate the progression of your career in conservation. We also welcome images of more established conservators from when they were “emerging,” as well as a recent picture for comparison. The more drastic the hair evolution, the better.

We also thought that this is the perfect opportunity to start thinking about creating a logo- or a color- for ECPN. If you are feeling creative, drop us a line, or even better, a sketch!

We would like to have all the pictures by March 15th

To contact us please email:

Nicky, Anne and Laura

Poster Abstract–

AIC’s Emerging Conservation Professionals Network (ECPN) was launched in 2008 with the purpose of serving AIC members who have been in the field for up to five years, current graduate students, as well as those who are looking to enter the profession. ECPN is taking full advantage of new technologies to encourage connections between conservators and share information. These include social networking tools such as Ning and Facebook, as well as broader developments in AIC, such as the new website and outreach presentation.

Emerging conservation professionals are very likely to be familiar with new technology, and feel comfortable using digital photodocumentation, web-based research, and new materials and techniques. But while they may be very up to date on conservation literature and information, they also know that they don’t have all the answers.

While new technologies bring many advantages and opportunities, in some situations there is still no substitute for personal interaction. One of the objectives of the group is to establish an effective mentorship program which utilizes both high- and low-tech methods. Emerging conservation professionals will be paired with an appropriate mentor based on a variety of criteria, and will be able to connect to them via email, phone, social network, or in person. Mentees will benefit from the experience and guidance of the mentor, while the mentor will benefit from being connected to the next generation of conservators and learn about new trends in conservation.